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Trademarks411 lets you easily search and register trademarks online. Founded by an attorney, we provide software assisted trademark services that are fast, simple, and affordable since 2008.

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The Trade Marks Bureau are trade mark, design and copyright agents that provide trademark searches and registration in the UK, European Community internationally using qualified agents, attorneys and Counsel.

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Sharp Filings - Register a Trademark Online Today at Sharp Filings


Sharp Filings helps you apply for a trademark online today. It's easy, fast and afforable.

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Rentsch Partner Ltd. Law Firm, Attorneys at Law and Patent Attorneys in Zurich

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What is the Difference Between TEAS PLUS and TEAS Standard?


What goes into the application is more important than which TEAS you use

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Trademark Database Searching TESS


TESS is a great first step for searching. The second step requires more . . .

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Not Just Patents has a great record for gettings trademarks registered but we also help our clients with strategy so that more rights are being planned for than those you get by accident from filling out the form right. Ask us for proof. We can compare our record to others and let you compare.

Not Applicable $ 8.95

Y Trademark?


Not Just Patents has a great record for gettings trademarks registered but we also help our clients with strategy so that more rights are being planned for than those you get by accident from filling out the form right. Ask us for proof. We can compare our record to others and let you compare.

Not Applicable $ 8.95

Avoiding Similar Trdmks (Trademarks)


What is the difference between TEAS and TEAS PLUS? The cost, how you select the identification of goods and services and the likelihood of getting refused. More than seventy percent of trademark applications are refused but TEAS PLUS is a little better because you can only pick identifications that have been preapprove

Not Applicable $ 8.95

Avoiding Similar Trademks (Trademarks)


What is the difference between TEAS and TEAS PLUS? The cost, how you select the identification of goods and services and the likelihood of getting refused. More than seventy percent of trademark applications are refused but TEAS PLUS is a little better because you can only pick identifications that have been preapprove

Not Applicable $ 8.95

Sharp Filings - Register a Trademark Online Today at Sharp Filings


Sharp Filings helps you apply for a trademark online today. It's easy, fast and afforable.

Not Applicable $ 8.95

Sharp Filings - Register a Trademark Online Today at Sharp Filings


Sharp Filings helps you apply for a trademark online today. It's easy, fast and afforable.

Not Applicable $ 8.95

Sharp Filings - Register a Trademark Online Today at Sharp Filings


Sharp Filings helps you apply for a trademark online today. It's easy, fast and afforable.

Not Applicable $ 8.95

Sharp Filings - Register a Trademark Online Today at Sharp Filings


Sharp Filings helps you apply for a trademark online today. It's easy, fast and afforable.

Not Applicable $ 8.95

Sharp Filings - Register a Trademark Online Today at Sharp Filings


Sharp Filings helps you apply for a trademark online today. It's easy, fast and afforable.

Not Applicable $ 8.95

Sharp Filings - Register a Trademark Online Today at Sharp Filings


Sharp Filings helps you apply for a trademark online today. It's easy, fast and afforable.

Not Applicable $ 8.95

Sharp Filings - Register a Trademark Online Today at Sharp Filings


Sharp Filings helps you apply for a trademark online today. It's easy, fast and afforable.

Not Applicable $ 8.95

Register a Trademark - Register a U.S. Trademark Online Today


Register a Trademark Online - Fast and Easy.

Not Applicable $ 8.95