KingPabel Blog | PHP developer|Software Engineer|Freelancer|Laravel|Co


Imtiaz Pabel full stack php developer.Working more than 5 years with laravel,cakephp,codeigniter,wordpress and also micro framework slim.For database expert with mysql use it's orm like active query,propel,eloquent.Use version control git.Working environment ubuntu,LAMP or nignx.Follow psr code convention.

Not Applicable $ 8.95

Recycles Bikes Toulouse: Vente, location, réparation vélos, e-boutique


Distributeur GIANT, Liv, MERIDA, vélo électrique, route, VTT, VTC, urbain, accessoires, nutrition. Vente neuf-occasion, e-boutique, réparation toutes marques, location courte-longue durée

Not Applicable $ 8.95

Spiel, The Gaming Company


Spiel Inc. is a game development and publishing company focused on creating quality games for the handheld and online platform.

Not Applicable $ 8.95

Thomas R. - Homepage


Symfony2 Expert, Sonata Project lead dev, Python enthusiast and Technical Manager at Ekino

5,387,279 $ 240.00